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Start with you means

One of the major turning point within the GEP Program was at New-York City, thanks to the Entrepreneurial Implementation class. I finally realize that it is also possible to think in the other way around, and thanks to what you already possess, it can also leads you to the creation of a venture.

It is sometimes such an evidence, that we don't use properly our specific resources, and always look at what we don't have instead.

When your are thinking about launching a business, it usually guides you to think about how to start, how to find investors, partnership, suppliers, office,... Finally we forget a critical point in our reflexion: YES It is possible to start with our means!

We can classify your means in three categories that are:

- Who you are?

- What you know?

- Who you know?

In fact those questions will help you to better identify what you can do with your resources instead of thinking in the other way: have a project and find the resources for it.

While making this list about those three questions, you can real opportunity and don't wait for the perfect one.



The Effectual Entrepreneurship book helped me a lot to understand each step of a business, how to achieve my goals with my actual and possible resources. If you have an interest in this topic I would recommend you to go on this my Book's article & buy this one! It is so simple, that I did not think about it before, it is a huge and impressive discovery - and at the same time so simple.

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