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Do you know what?

Welcome back one year ago in my life!

At that time, I was 22, living in London and working as a cashier and sales assistant in Zara. DO YOU KNOW WHAT? This professional experience gave me the chance to challenge myself in front of one of the most difficult part, that few classes would teach you: How to sell your product but at very first, how do you approach and define the need of your customer.

Of course being a Cashier was not my final goal, but you know what I was feeling alive! After three years behind a computer as an Sales Assistant in the Export Department, selling medical and industrial devices around the world, I was bored and I decided to change my life: Finally I moved to London (and believe me my english was very bad at that time!!)

DO YOU KNOW WHAT? I learned about myself ten times more than I did in my previous job. I discovered the feeling of being excited every morning about going to work, knowing that this journey will be different than the previous one.

Challenging yourself as I am doing it is the basis of what we could call being an entrepreneur. If you felt this too by reading my article, I would encourage you to do the same. Go out and talk to people, enjoy the sun in the park on the right next corner and WHAT? You never know of what your future is made until you create it!

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